Theme Windows : Game PC | Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse giả lập pc [Kinh dị top ]
Love it : Game PC | Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse giả lập pc [Kinh dị top ]
Game PC | Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse giả lập pc [Kinh dị top ]
Genre: Action / Horror
Developer: Grasshopper Manufacture & Tecmo
Publisher: NightLection Team (N & T)
Publication Type: Informal
Language: English
Language: English
License: Freeware
System requirements:
- Operating system: - Microsoft ® Windows ® XP / Vista / Seven
- Processor: Intel ┬« Pentium ┬« D 3,0 GHz / AMD Athlon ΓΓÇ₧ó 64 X2 3800
- RAM: 2 GB (XP) / 2 GB (Vista / Seven)
- Video: Video adapter NVIDIA ┬« 8800 GT or higher, ATI Radeon ΓΓÇ₧ó HD 3870 or higher
- Sound card: compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
- Free space on hard disk: 5.83 GbOpisanie:
The story takes place on the island Rougetsu, Ruka, Misaki and Madoka returned to the island to remember the past and learn sebya.Tak a few years ago, five girls kidnapped by a maniac, and brought to the island, and Detective Haibara pursued ... and saved them, but a maniac escaped, and the girls do not remember anything. Some time later, two girls died of unknown death were three. And those three and there, hand, and Madoka Misaki. They should investigate the place, but they are not alone, but they still have the spirits residents.
A Detective Haibara returned to the island to find the killer and solve the mystery, Where are the inhabitants of the island, and not only that, but at the request of the mother of one of the girls.
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